Thursday, February 11, 2010

Theocracy Warriors Hurl, “Progressives! Socialists! Communists!”

Beware of “Progressives!” decriers who advocate two phenomena forbidden by the Constitution: theocracy and anarchism. In 2009, Glenn Beck sponsored a candidate of the Conservative Party, the party which Ayn Rand described as “not an American political party, but a religious party – A PHENOMENON FORBIDDEN BY THE CONSTITUTION.” (link1, link2)

This video shows Beck’s misinformation: Beck described Doug Hoffman as Independent at 4:27, and the latter labeled by the show as I at 4:43.

Beck is a self-described Libertarian. The founding principle of the Libertarian Party is anarchism.

This is an excerpt from a Ludwig Von Mises Institute article - "Many libertarians abandon minarchy in favor of anarchy when they realize that even a minarchist government is unlibertarian.”

Wikipedia states: Anarcho-capitalist Murray Rothbard has stated that "Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism." Anarcho-capitalism is an individualist anarchist political philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state...

This is from the Young Americans for Liberty's Mission Statement: "WE, as Young Americans for Liberty believe: THAT government is the negation of liberty..."


Stefan Molyneux said...

Hi, great blog, you might want to check out Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show on the Web, run by an anarcho capitalist...

Unknown said...

Great read! Thanks, Ilyn!

Ilyn Ross said...

My pleasure. Thank you.

Ilyn Ross said...

"[The] voluntary support of laws, formed by persons of their own choice, distinguishes peculiarly the minds capable of self-government. The contrary spirit is anarchy, which of necessity produces despotism." -- Thomas Jefferson to Philadelphia Citizens, 1809. ME 16:328

Ilyn Ross said...

Minarschism is anarchism by evolution.

Ilyn Ross said...

Glenn Beck pushes for two phenomena forbidden by the Constitution: anarchism and theocracy. He lies, too. EVIL.