Sunday, November 25, 2012

DARK-AGES Warriors, Anarchists, Traitors, & the Kind of Young Barbara Bush Gave Obama Four More Years

The base of the GOP is THEOCRATIC. Its 2008 VP candidate and its runner-up in the 2012 presidential primary are against Thomas Jefferson’s wall of separation between church and state. So are candidates backed by the Tea Party, like Sharron Angle, who lost to Harry Reid in 2010. The state/government holds a monopoly on legal coercive power, and these theocrats crave to use coercion to impose church-based beliefs.

Two 2012 GOP senatorial candidates personify the horrific irrationality of these DARK-AGES warriors. One claimed that a female’s body can prevent pregnancy in case of rape, and another claimed that rape is the will of his god. Mitt Romney’s opposition to abortion except in cases of rape or incest flouts justice. It is wrong to punish an offspring for the crime of the father.

One’s personal stand on anything is no one’s business. But in the realm of legal coercion, laws should be based only on reality and reason. Being pro-life and pro-choice is not contradictory. The embryo has no brain activity, so it is not yet an actual living human being; hence, it has no rights. An embryo is up to eight weeks. It is not sentient. It does not breathe. The central nervous system is fully formed at nine weeks. The fetus takes its first breath at 10 weeks. At this stage, the unborn is an actual living human being, thus, has rights. It has acquired the right to continue breathing. Prior to this stage, DARK-AGES warriors must be prevented from imposing their monstrous cruelty. Their monstrosity is also evinced in their bigotry towards homosexuals.

By nature, humans are fallible. Even the young have sexual urges. In a pregnancy, nature provides the embryonic stage as the window to change course, such that those who commit mistakes would not suffer for a lifetime, together with the baby they would bear. It is wise for the young, for women, for freedom fighters, to reject DARK-AGES warriors.

Ron Paul and many of his supporters share Barack Obama’s dehumanization of corporations. Their cannibalistic, looter mentality is personified by Occupy Wall Street. Thus, they are averse to a businessman, like Romney.

Some anarchists voted for Gary Johnson, who supports the Sherman Act. Antitrust Laws are akin to the Russian roulette with the government holding the gun to every businessman’s head, or akin to government-mined fields traversed by businessmen. “Free competition must be enforced” is brazenly anti-logic and GOLIATHLY tyrannical. Such voters crave to destroy success, like Romney.

There are anarchists who share the belief of theocrats that love of money is the root of all evil. They say their need of money does not translate to love of money. They do not appreciate what satisfies their need. Having renounced reason, they have no tool to realize that they are advocating for the DARK-AGES. Money is a necessity in a FREE, CIVILIZED society. It is a tool of exchange and a store of value, enabling saving and long-range planning. It is a precondition of a division of labor economy, of specialization. It is the tool of FREE THINKERS, who use only reason and persuasion in dealing with rights respecters. Those who spout, "Money is the root of all evil", or the love of it, are LOOTERS and/or DARK-AGES warriors. Why do churches collect what they consider evil? Some anarchists vilify for-profit businesses. Yet, they drool to occupy them. These voters do not appreciate that only virtue creates wealth, so they see a man of wealth as evil.

Benedict Arnolds, like Chris Christie, do not care about the USA. When Christie put his arm around Barack Obama, he embraced the last four years and the next four.

The young Barbara Bush agrees with Democrats that healthcare is a right. She is glad Obamacare passed. The granddaughter of a previous US president, the daughter of another previous president, does not know that rights are not entitlements to the labors of others, but are ACTIONS that can be exercised without anyone’s permission, limited only by the equal rights of others.

It is not only the lazy or the entitlement class who do not appreciate Romney. Rich people who are for COERCED CHARITY do not, as well, especially those who can be exempt from such coercion because of political connections.

In the GOP primary, Romney defeated DARK-AGES warriors and anarchists. In the general elections, they, together with traitors and the kind of Ms. Bush, gave the socialist four more years.


Ilyn Ross said...

To dehumanize corporations, like saying they are not people, is to render the owners, management, and employees of corporations, defenseless against any tyranny, like looting, or the whims or regulators.

Ilyn Ross said...

Ron Paul said, "Corporations are not people." So, this is not an issue with new rights; this is an issue with the rights of a person or persons who make up the corporation.

If a corporation formed and financed by 10 scientists created a cure for cancer, the ownership of the drug is based on what is stated in their artcles of incorporation. If the corporation opposes Obamacare, it can spend corporate money to criticize it, it can contribute to the campaign of a politician opposing it. The corporation has freedom of speech, which comes from the rights of the owners of the corporation.

Can Obama take the drug away from the corporation? That would be a violation of property rights, which come from the rights of the owners.

To say "Corporations are not people" is to deny rights to the owners to act on behalf of the corporation, to speak as the owners of one corp, to own properties as an association of individuals under one corporation.

Ilyn Ross said...

I love money because of its function in freedom and in civilization.

Ilyn Ross said...

Conservatives are THEOCRATIC. Their 2008 VP candidate and their choice in the 2012 presidential primary, Santorum, are against Thomas Jefferson’s wall of separation between church and state. So are candidates backed by the Tea Party, like Sharron Angle, who lost to Harry Reid in 2010. The state/government holds a monopoly on legal coercive power, and these theocrats crave to use coercion to impose church-based beliefs.

Two 2012 Conservative senatorial candidates personify the horrific irrationality of these DARK-AGES warriors. One claimed that a female’s body can prevent pregnancy in case of rape, and another claimed that rape is the will of his god.

Ilyn Ross said...

The assaults on freedom: the anti Second Amendment Obama orders, the increase in taxes for everyone with income, the continued gestapoing of corporations/businesses, etc., are happening because of the following:

* Conservatives and Tea Partiers craving for the DARK-AGES: anti separation of church and state (Palin, West, the one defeated by Harry Reid - Sharron Angle, Santorum), anti choice (the Senatorial candidates saying a woman's body can reject pregnancy when raped, and that rape is the will of their satan), anti gays...

* The anti corporations, anti rich
* The rich who sanction extortion in the name of the poor
* Those who want the unearned
* Those who hate the USA, like Obama's pastor

Ilyn Ross said...

Obama Orders: the price for DARK-AGES warrioring, i.e., anti separation of church and state, anti free will / free choice, anti gays, anti corporations...