Monday, February 20, 2012

Theocratic Conservative Party Candidate: Santorum

"So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men." - Voltairine de Cleyre

"The people are responsible for the character of their [government]. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them….” - James Garfield

"Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst." - Thomas Paine

The Conservative Party endorses Rick Santorum. He is against the separation of church and state, saying that it is not in the Constitution. [YouTube video]

In 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison: "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular; and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inferences.... I do not like... the omission of a bill of rights providing clearly and without the aid of sophisms for freedom of religion, freedom of the press, protection against standing armies, restriction against monopolies, the eternal and unremitting force of the habeas corpus laws, and trials by jury in all matters of fact triable by the laws of the land and not by the law of nations."
Without the man who uttered the words "WALL OF SEPARATION between Church & State", DARK-AGES warriors would be saying, "There are NO RIGHTS mentioned in the Constitution."

Religious Freedom by Thomas Jefferson:

“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."

"I consider the Government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution of the United States from meddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises.... Civil powers alone have been given to the President of the United States, and no authority to direct the religious exercises of his constituents."

"Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone."

"I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others."

The Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom.

Thomas Jefferson is the author of the Declaration of Independence, the Father of religious freedom, the advocate of the Bill of Rights, the President who abolished the slave trade, and the unjustly maligned man who fought slavery all his life [facts are here].

Rick Santorum and the Conservative Party are against the wall of separation and its author: Thomas Jefferson, the man extolled by Abraham Lincoln:

"The principles of Jefferson
Are the definitions and axioms of free society
All honor to Jefferson - to the man,
Who in the concrete pressure of a struggle
For national independence by a single people,
Had the coolness, forecast, and sagacity
To introduce into a merely revolutionary document
An abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times,
And so embalm it there that to-day and in all coming days
It shall be a rebuke and a stumbling-block
To the very harbingers of reappearing tyranny and oppression.”

Rick Santorum and the Conservative Party are against the wall of separation and the Father of the Constitution:

‎"And I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in showing that religion and Government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together..... We are teaching the world the great truth that Governments do better without Kings & Nobles than with them. The merit will be doubled by the other lesson that Religion flourishes in greater purity, without than with the aid of Govt." - James Madison

Rick Santorum says that the pursuit of happiness harms America - [YouTube video]. Santorum and the Conservative Party are anti Declaration of Independence, the fundamental political document of the United States of America. Politics, the fourth branch of philosophy, defines the principles of a proper social system. The Declaration's politics rests on ethics or morality, the code of values to guide man’s choices and actions in determining the purpose and the course of his life. Its ethics rests on epistemology, i.e., reason-and-logic, which rests on  metaphysics - the study of existence, nature, metaphysical reality.

“I believe with you that morality, compassion, generosity are innate elements of the human constitution; that there exists a right independent of force; that a right to property is founded in our natural wants, in the means with which we are endowed to satisfy these wants, and the right to what we acquire by those means without violating the similar rights of other sensible beings; that no one has a right to obstruct another exercising his faculties innocently for the relief of sensibilities made a part of his nature; that justice is the fundamental law of society; that the majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest, breaks up the foundations of society; that action by the citizens in person, in affairs within their reach and competence, and in all others by representatives chosen immediately and removable by themselves, constitutes the essence of a republic…” - Thomas Jefferson

A Republican is one who values the legacy of the American Revolutionaries: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” To those who value the Founding Principles: Let us repudiate the enemies of Individual Rights: Rick Santorum, the Conservative Party, and their ilk. Let us keep our Republic!

Ayn Rand described the Conservative Party as: “not an American political party, but a religious party – A PHENOMENON FORBIDDEN BY THE CONSTITUTION.” She further said: “the Conservative Party… subordinates reason to faith, and substitutes theocracy for capitalism…”

This powerful party is backed by THEOCRATS.

Pope Benedict XVI’s Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth - 2009) and Pope Paul’s Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples - 1967) - These encyclicals blame the PROFIT motive for all the world’s problems, and call for a worldwide REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH by a world government as the solution. Ayn Rand further said that Pope Paul’s Populorum Progressio declares that capitalism is worse than Marxism and that the only morality is altruism (self-sacrifice).

Sean Hannity of Fox News often says, “I am not a Republican; I am a Conservative.” He and his kind crave to conserve, not the Declaration of Independence, but the Dark Ages. When theocracy warriors speak of capitalism, they mean self-sacrifice.

In 2009, the GOP lost New York’s 23rd Congressional District, held by the Republican Party since the Civil War. Conservatives in the GOP chased out pro-choice, pro-gay-rights State Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, chosen by local GOP leaders as their nominee, and then supported the CONSERVATIVE PARTY candidate: Douglas Hoffman. THEOCRACY WARRIORS are mentioned in the following news reports:

“Leading conservative voices — including The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page and The Weekly Standard and the talk show personalities Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck — took on the Republican nominee, Assemblywoman Scozzafava, who supports gay rights and abortion rights and had embraced some Democratic economic policies like the federal stimulus package. They labeled her as too liberal…. Ms. Scozzafava, who was selected as the Republican nominee by the 11 leaders of the county committees... was excoriated by Washington’s CONSERVATIVE ESTABLISHMENT almost as soon as she was nominated.” -

“Owens defeated Hoffman DESPITE a VOTER REGISTRATION EDGE of 45,000 for Republicans and big-name endorsements for Hoffman from former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, former Republican Sen. Fred Thompson and others.” -

In 2010, Hoffman lost the Republican nomination. “But Hoffman said he will actively campaign as the Conservative Party nominee, keeping his word to all those who believe in conservative principles.” -

In this article, Ayn Rand's intellectual heir, Dr. Peikoff said, "The early Christians did contribute some good ideas to the world, ideas that proved important to the cause of future freedom. I must, so to speak, give the angels their due. In particular, the idea that man has a value as an individual--that the individual soul is precious--is essentially a Christian legacy to the West..."

He also said: "A specter is haunting America -- the specter of religion.... The outstanding political fact of the 1980s is the rise of the New Right, and its penetration of the Republican party under President Reagan.... What we are seeing is the medievalism of the Puritans all over again, but without their excuse of ignorance. We are seeing it on the part of modern Americans, who live not before the Founding Fathers' heroic experiment in liberty, but after it."

The Republican Party must be saved from theocratic Conservatives. I am not a Conservative, nor a Liberal, nor a Libertarian, nor a Progressive. I am Jefferson's REPUBLICAN!

"Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word "Jesus Christ," so that it should read, 'a departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;' the insertion was rejected by a great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo, and Infidel of every denomination." - Thomas Jefferson

"But the greatest of all reformers of the depraved religion of his own country, was JESUS OF NAZARETH. Abstracting what is really his from the rubbish in which it is buried, EASILY DISTINGUISED BY ITS LUSTRE from the dross of his biographers, and as separable from that as the DIAMOND from the dunghill, we have the outlines of a system of the MOST SUBLIME MORALITY which has ever fallen from the lips of man. The establishment of the innocent and genuine character of this BENEVOLENT MORALITY, and rescuing it from the imputation of imposture, which has resulted from artificial systems, invented by ultra-Christian sects, is a most desirable object." - Thomas Jefferson to W. Short, Oct. 31, 1819

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Santorum Spokeswoman Calls the GOP: Conservative PARTY, an Existing THEOCRATIC Party

Conservatives are confident that they have taken over the Republican Party. On the Fox News Channel on February 19, 2012 between 12:00-12:10 noon, Santorum's spokeswoman mentioned Conservative PARTY at least twice, referring to the GOP. The existing Conservative PARTY is not an American political party but a THEOCRATIC party.

In 2009, the GOP lost New York’s 23rd Congressional District, held by the Republican Party since the Civil War. Conservatives in the GOP chased out pro-choice, pro-gay-rights State Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, chosen by local GOP leaders as their nominee, and then supported the CONSERVATIVE PARTY candidate: Douglas Hoffman.

THEOCRACY WARRIORS are mentioned in the following news reports:

“Leading conservative voices — including The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page and The Weekly Standard and the talk show personalities Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck — took on the Republican nominee, Assemblywoman Scozzafava, who supports gay rights and abortion rights and had embraced some Democratic economic policies like the federal stimulus package. They labeled her as too liberal….

But the race was perhaps most notable for the fissures it opened in the Republican Party. Ms. Scozzafava, who was selected as the Republican nominee by the 11 leaders of the county committees that comprise this vast district along the Canadian border, was excoriated by Washington’s CONSERVATIVE ESTABLISHMENT almost as soon as she was nominated.” -

“Owens defeated Hoffman DESPITE a VOTER REGISTRATION EDGE of 45,000 for Republicans and big-name endorsements for Hoffman from former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, former Republican Sen. Fred Thompson and others.” -

In 2010, Hoffman lost the Republican nomination. “But Hoffman said he will actively campaign as the Conservative Party nominee, keeping his word to all those who believe in conservative principles.” -

In 2008, the GOP chose a VP candidate who, like Santorum, attacks Thomas Jefferson's wall of separation.

Republicans: let us defend the WALL of SEPARATION between CHURCH and STATE. Mitt Romney wants to conserve the Declaration of Independence, while his opponents crave to conserve the DARK-AGES.

My old articles: 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Evading REAGANCARE, Santorum lies about Romneycare

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act [EMTALA] is the mandate enslaving lifegivers and coddling freeloaders.

The United States Congress passed the EMTALA in 1986, under Ronald Reagan’s watch. The EMTALA requires hospitals and ambulance services to provide care to anyone needing emergency treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. The EMTALA applies to virtually all hospitals in the U.S but includes NO PROVISIONS FOR REIMBURSEMENT. The law is therefore considered an "UNFUNDED safety net program" for patients seeking care at the nation's emergency rooms. As a result of the 1986 EMTALA legislation, HOSPITALS ACROSS THE COUNTRY FACE UNPAID BILLS AND MOUNTING EXPENSES TO CARE FOR THE UNINSURED.

Romneycare mitigates REAGANCARE, but the dishonest, like Santorum, lie.

The choice of Governor Romney was the bankruptcy and closure of MA hospitals, or a mandate for those who can afford and would be buying insurance were it not on their reliance on the unearned: e.g. the EMTALA.

Honest critics offer alternatives. How would you fund unfunded entitlements while convincing others to end them? How would you avoid the closure of hospitals?

This is Mitt Romney on Romneycare, and its difference with Obamacare @ 18:48 –

What Romney calls the FREE RIDER option [21:00], where many who can afford health insurance but get emergency or major medical treatment paid for by the government, i.e., you pay for it through taxes, is REAGANCARE.

REAGANCARE [EMTALA] is the mandate for healthcare providers, the mandate enslaving lifesavers and rewarding freeloaders. Romneycare does not favor freeloaders to the detriment of lifesavers and the responsible who buy insurance.