The unjust or the dishonest drop context. “Individual mandate” is used against Mitt Romney as “slave holder” is used to tear down Thomas Jefferson. They are hurled without context, thus, unworthy of a search for the truth, a great injustice, and a triumph for “the very harbingers of reappearing tyranny and oppression.”
The United States Congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) in 1986, under Ronald Reagan’s watch. EMTALA requires hospitals and ambulance services to provide care to anyone needing emergency treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. EMTALA applies to virtually all hospitals in the U.S but includes no provisions for reimbursement. The law is therefore considered an "UNFUNDED safety net program" for patients seeking care at the nation's emergency rooms. As a result of the 1986 EMTALA legislation, HOSPITALS ACROSS THE COUNTRY FACE UNPAID BILLS AND MOUNTING EXPENSES TO CARE FOR THE UNINSURED.
The choice of Governor Romney was the bankruptcy and closure of MA hospitals, or a mandate for those who can afford and would be buying insurance were it not on their reliance on the unearned: e.g. the EMTALA.
Honest critics offer alternatives. How would you fund unfunded entitlements while convincing others to end them? How would you avoid the closure of hospitals?
In the case of Thomas Jefferson, I have encountered shocking vitriol and utter malevolence. Logically and morally, one cannot be faulted for something outside of one's choice. Slavery was OBTRUDED on the Colonies by King George III. Jefferson INHERITED slaves. It was AGAINST THE LAW TO FREE THEM.
Chosen for the first time to be a member of a legislature at age 26, he submitted a bill for the EMANCIPATION of slaves. As a lawyer, age 27, Jefferson defended a slave, saying: "Under the law of nature, all men are born free."
In 1806, a law passed in Virginia which allowed ONLY the SELF-SUPPORTING to be freed. Freed slaves MUST LEAVE the state. If a freed self-supporting slave had children or parents who were not, he/she had to leave them.